Dale Luck
Oil Painter and Visual Artist
Abstract Art
Abstract oil and watercolour mixed media painting with burning red paint and a crumbling landscape, by artist Dale Luck.Abstract oil and watercolour mixed media painting with a distorted face constructed from a dark, prussian blue shade and barely recognizable, by artist Dale Luck.Abstract oil painting of deep blue impasto painted waves swishing left and right, highlighted by white, by artist Dale Luck.Abstract oil painting experiment of a deep red splat melting off the page and lifting off like a flame, by artist Dale Luck.Abstract oil pastel experiment, of a shivering red orb connected to other orbs, repeating across the sky, by artist Dale Luck.Abstract oil paint experiment, of a descending deep red tornado across a white canvas, by artist Dale Luck.Abstract oil pastel, of shaking signals convering to form the pattern of a bright red city on the horizon, by artist Dale Luck.Abstract oil paint experiment using a deep prussian blue, of an eye looking forever outward, by artist Dale Luck.Oil pastel artwork of frequency signals convering to form the pattern of a landscape with deep red hills, by artist Dale Luck.